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原爆展、Atomic Bomb Exhibition 2017

                           Nuclear Issues in 21st Century
                   (Atomic Bomb Exhibition, Aug. 5th and 6th, 2017)

20th century saw the invention of nuclear weapon based on nuclear fission/fusion and its application to the production of electricity.  Both the nuclear weapons and nuclear power reactors need to be abolished as soon as possible, for the “nuclear” and its associated “radiation” are not compatible with life on the earth.  It is not only the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but also that of the entire human race.  This year the United Nations established a “Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty” by a majority of the member nations.

(1) Panels to show the horrors of Atomic Bomb (all day long, Aug. 5th and 6th)

 (2) Talk:  (a) “Visiting Hiroshima and Nagasaki” by Satoko Norimatsu (3-4 pm on 5th)
                  (b) “The Nuclear Issues in 21st century” by Eiichiro Ochiai (3-4 pm on 6th )

 (3) Screening of “Barefoot Gen” (anime, Experience in Hiroshima: 12, 2, 4pm), and
      Dark Circle” (Tragedy at a Plutonium plant (Rocky Flats): 11am, 1, 5pm)

at Japanese Language School  487 Alexander Street, Vancouver (refer to the map below)



(1)原爆の悲惨さを示す写真/絵の展示(8月5/6日 終日)
(2)講演  (a) 広島・長崎への学習の旅、乗松聡子  (5日、午后3−4時)
      b) 21世紀の核の問題、落合栄一郎 (6日、午后3−4時)
(3)核・放射能関連の動画とドキュメンタリー:「はだしのゲン(12, 2, 4 pm)
   「暗黒のサークル」(プルトニウム工場ロッキーフラット)(11am, 1, 5pm

場所:日本語学校  487 Alexander Street, Vancouver (下の地図参照)




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