By Eiichiro Ochiai
I. Introduction
Science has advanced since the
beginning of the 20th century, and led to the current atomic
age. The discovery of the nuclear
fission reaction in 1938 led immediately to its use for a military
purpose. The atomic bombs dropped on
Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, flattened the two cities and killed
several hundred thousand people instantaneously. The cause of most of the deaths was non-radiation;
extreme heat and the destructive shockwaves.
However, many also died from the strong radiation effects, without
incurring burns or physical injury. The
nuclear fission reaction has since been applied to the “so-called” peaceful
use, i.e., using nuclear power to produce electricity. Both usages inevitably produce huge amounts
of radioactive material as the byproducts.
The radiation from these sources now dominates the radiation background on
the earth. The radioactive materials
have so far been released on the surface of the earth through the atomic bomb
explosions, tests of nuclear weapons, accidents of nuclear facilities including
those of Chernobyl in Ukraine, Three mile island in Pennsylvania in USA,
Fukushima in Japan, and some nuclear submarines, and, also from the routine
release from the nuclear facilities.
The Chernobyl accident in 1986
affected and killed many people, but the damaged reactor No.4 has not been
fixed and has been placed in a sarcophagus to prevent further release of
radioactive material. The sarcophagus,
however, is deteriorated after thirty years, and is now covered with another
huge dome. The people affected are still
suffering from many health problems thirty years later.
The Fukushima nuclear power
plant accident in Japan six years ago has not been fixed. It is becoming increasingly evident that it is
difficult to fix it, as three reactors’ nuclear fuel rods were melted; there is
no precedence for such a disaster in human history. The health effects of the radioactive
material released are becoming significant day by day. Unfortunately, this reality has been covered
up by the Japanese government. What’s
more, the government is eagerly trying to restart as many nuclear power plants as
possible, having done so with three nuclear power reactors so far, despite the
fact that no electricity shortage was experienced when no single nuclear power
plant was in operation for two years (2013-2015). This implies that Japan does not need the
nuclear energy. Unfortunately even the
largest opposition party (Minshin) seems to be in favor of restarting them.
The politicians’ concern is
simply “economics”, which is seen only from the standpoint of the operating
corporations. In terms of the overall
economic effects, the nuclear power plants are known to be ineffective or
rather disastrous. The people who are in favor of nuclear power, i.e., the present
government of Japan (and others), the majority of politicians, the corporations
that operate and nuclear power plants, the bureaucrats, and many so-called “experts”
dependent on the nuclear industry, are concerned only with their own
livelihood. They are unaware of or they
ignore the fact that radiation coming from the unavoidable byproducts of the
nuclear power operation is indeed incompatible with living organisms.
This fact, i.e., INCOMPATIBILITY
OF RADIATION WITH LIFE, seems to be recognized by the nuclear industry. Hence, the nuclear industry and its
associates (often termed “nuclear mafia”) are desperately trying to cover up
the evil health effects of radiation. They
have tried, and have so far been able to cover them up relatively successfully. This has been possible, only because the evil
effects are basically subtle, not felt by the person affected, and have so far been
confined to relatively small areas and few people (compared with the vast area
of the entire earth and the majority of the human race).
In the following short article
we would like to show why radiation is incompatible with life, and hence that
the “nuclear” power reactors as well as weapons which produce radioactive
material should not be on the earth.
II. Why is radiation incompatible
with life?
1. The interaction of radiation particles with biomolecules
Then, the basic question is: Why
is radiation incompatible with life? If
this tenet is correct, the nuclear power (both weapon and electricity-producing)
should not be allowed to exist on this earth, as they produce radionuclides as the
by-products. We will look into this
issue from a scientific standpoint.
Let’s recognize that the earth
is a rare body in the universe. A few
earth-like bodies have been found, but whether life exists on those bodies is
unknown. The vast majority of the bodies
in the universe have no life on them anyway.
Why is the earth so blessed with life? The basic reason (i) is that the majority of
material (likely more than 99.99999%) is made of stable atoms. Two other reasons are: (ii) relatively little
of cosmic ray, harmful to life, reachs the earth’s surface, and (iii) the
prevailing temperature on the surface of this planet allows the presence of
liquid water. This last issue has
something to do with the currently debated “climate change”, and will not be
discussed here.
First, an atom is made of a
nucleus and surrounding electrons. A nucleus
consists of electrically neutral neutrons and positively charged protons. They are confined in a very, very small area
(nucleus) by the “strong” (“nuclear”) force.
On the other hands, electrons are attracted by “electromagnetic” force
to the nucleus, as electrons are negatively charged. All material including those constituting
human bodies on this earth are made of stable atoms. It needs to be added quickly that a few
unstable atoms do exist on the earth and the extent of their effects on life is
quite limited, though real, but cannot be made visible unless carefully studied.
When we say “stable or unstable
atom”, we mean “nucleus” rather than the whole atom consisting of a nucleus and
surrounding electrons. The energy state
of the nucleus is governed by the “strong” force (“nuclear” force). “Unstable” implies “having extra energy”,
that needs to be shed. So an unstable
nucleus (of an atom) undergoes a spontaneous change to a more stable state. The process is termed as “nuclear decay”, in
which the extra energy is released as “radiation”. So an unstable nucleus is called “radioactive
nucleus” or “radionuclide”. There are a
few radiation types: alpha (a), beta (b), gamma (g) and neutron, and others. The energies carried by these radiations are
very large, as the processes of change are governed by the “strong” force. Some examples of radiation energy are as
follows: 20 KeV for b from T(tritium)(H-3), 1.2 MeV for b and g combined of Cs(cesium)-137, 546 KeV for b from Sr(strontium)-90, 5.245 MeV for a from
Pu(plutonium)-239. We will assume 1 MeV
as a typical radiation particle energy in the argument below. On the contrary, stable nuclei remain intact
forever as they are, without emitting radiation.
Because the majority of atoms on
the earth are stable, they do not emit radiation. It needs to be pointed out, though, that a
few radioactive nuclides do exist on the present earth. They include uranium (U)-238, thorium
(Th)-232 and potassium (K)-40. The
direct effects of these radioactive nuclei on the living organisms are relatively
minor, except for K-40. Hence the all the
living organisms are hardly subject to the negative effects of naturally
occurring radionuclides; an exception is K-40.
Reason (ii) mentioned above is
how radiation from the outside of the earth, i.e., cosmic rays, approach the
earth. Cosmic rays consist of
electrically charged particles such as protons, a particles and
electrons (b), and of electrically neutral ones including g-ray and neutrons. The magnetic
field encircling the earth changes the course of the electrically charged
particles. As a result, most of them are
reflected away from the earth, and do not significantly reach the surface of
the earth. Neutrons and g-ray will lose its energy as they enter the earth’s atmosphere. However, neutrons cause the formation of
e.g., the radioactive carbon C-14 from the atmospheric nitrogen. Ultraviolet light is also harmful to living
organisms, but it is being shielded off significantly by the ozone layer in the
current atmosphere. These special
conditions surrounding the earth contribute to significant reductions of
in-coming radiation, and helps living organisms to survive. We are thus very fortunate, but unfortunately
have created devices that produce a lot of radioactive material in the form of
nuclear weapons and nuclear power reactors.
The effects of radiation on
living organisms are based on their interactions with the molecules (compounds
in general) in life. The physical effect
of radiation is of various types, but are summarized as “ionization”, i.e.,
ejection of an electron or electrons from a chemical compound. In order to understand the likely magnitude
of the radiation effects, we need to look at the material, i.e., chemical
compounds; how they are constructed and the energy values involved in their
changes, i.e., chemical reactions.
The materials on the earth are
all made of chemical compounds/molecules; they consist of atoms connected by
chemical bonds. These bonds are made
through the electromagnetic force. For
example, a water molecule is made of two hydrogen (H) atoms and one oxygen (O)
atom in the manner of H-O-H, where the line connecting H and O is a chemical
bond, formed by sharing two electrons between two atoms. The negative two electrons attract two
positively charged nuclei, i.e., (+ of the nucleus of H) (-- two electrons)(+of
the nucleus of O). All chemical compounds
are composed of atoms connected through chemical bonds. Some of typical energy values for chemical
reactions are as follow: 13.6 eV for removing an electron from a hydrogen atom;
4.3 eV for breaking H-C bond in CH4 (methane), 3.6 eV for breaking
C-C bond in H3C-CH3 (ethane), 30.6 eV to remove an
electron from Fe(2+). The chemical
reaction energy ranges from 1 eV to 100 eV.
Now we will try to figure out what
effects a radiation particle will have on chemical materials. We assume that a typical chemical energy to
eject an electron from a molecule is about 30 eV and the ejected electron may
travel with 20 eV. That is, a single
impact of a radiation particle on a single chemical compound would use energy
of 50 eV to eject an electron. If this
is so, a single radiation particle of 1 MeV will eject electrons from
approximately 20 thousand molecules.
This number varies with many variables (density of chemicals in the
material, kind of compounds, etc),
and likely ranges something like from 100 to 10,000 molecules affected. Many of the molecules with lost electrons may
break their chemical bonds and be destroyed.
Some of them turn into free radicals.
Some ejected electrons could have high enough kinetic energy and act as b-particles. Anyway, a single
radiation particle of typical energy will destroy something like 100 to 10,000
molecules. In the subsequent argument,
we will assume 2,000 as a typical number of molecules destroyed.
The effects mentioned in the
segment above are of direct nature; i.e., “direct” effect of radiation. The “indirect” effect is due to the chemical
reactions caused by some entities formed by the direct effect. The most important one is the effect of hydroxyl
free radical (.OH), which forms as the breakage of an H-O bond in a water
molecule. This free radical is extremely
reactive, and removes a hydrogen atom from a molecule it encounters. The results would be another free radical
formation, and likely deformation on the affected molecule. Hydroxyl free radical is one of the so-called
“reactive oxygen” species (ROS), which include superoxide free radical,
hydrogen peroxide, alkyl hydroperoxides, and oxygen molecule in a singlet state
(1O2). The ROS’s
are all more reactive than the oxygen molecules present in the atmosphere,
which are in a triplet state (3O2). ROS’s can form under ordinary physiological
conditions, except for hydroxyl free radical, which is formed only by high-energy
2. Why is 10 Sv (Gy) lethal?
Radiation exposure dose is
measured in terms of absorbed energy, Gy=J/kg.
Effects on living organisms are dependent on the nature of
radiation. a-Particle, being heavy (with two protons and two neutrons) and electrically
charged, has stronger effects compared with b (an electron) or
g-particle. g is an electromagnetic wave, but behaves as a particle (photon) when it
interacts with atoms and molecules.
Thus, equivalent exposure dose Sv (Sievert) is defined as Gy times weighting
factor, which is 20 for a and 1 for b and g. We will see
now what Gy or Sv imparts. In the case
of b and g, Sv value is the same as Gy value.
From the careful studies on the
atomic bomb victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it has been determined that
exposure of 10 Sv (or Gy) or higher causes an instant death to a human. However, this energy raises the body
temperature merely by 0.0024 degree, if given as heat energy. Obviously this temperature change would not even
be felt by the person, let alone killing him.
Yet it kills a person instantly. Why? This question leads to the basic reason why
radiation is incompatible with life.
10 J was given by a radiation
exposure to, say, the explosion of an atomic bomb. In this case, radiation comes from outside of
the body; this is termed as “EXTERNAL” exposure. Suppose this radiation consists of the
typical 1 MeV particles. Since 10 J=6.26
x 1019 eV, this much of energy will be supplied by 6.26 x 1013
particles of 1 MeV. 1 kg of human body
typically consists of 1012 cells.
Therefore, each cell will receive 60 radiation particles on average, if
they distribute evenly throughout the body.
Hence, 60 x 2,000=120,000 molecules in each cell will be destroyed. It is likely that many cells will die, or
cannot be reproduced, and hence the body will die soon. It is more likely that the radiation
particles are not distributed evenly,
and hence that the more highly exposed portions will have many more molecules
This is a simple idea. Is there any proof for it? Two
observations will be mentioned.
First, Dr. Shuntaro Hida
witnessed the horror of the effects of the atomic bomb as a physician
immediately after Hiroshima bomb: “…A fever so high that even doctors of
internal medicine had rarely seen it. … as we examined our patients and
wondered why they were running such fever, they began to bleed from their eyes,
nose and mouth. Even we doctors had
never seen such bleeding from the eyes….we attempted to examine the inside of
their mouths, but could not. It was not
simply bad breath, it was the smell of decay.
A smell so bad, we could not put our faces near their mouths….even
though these people were still alive, the insides of their mouths were
decaying. Such persons soon died.”
[1]. These observations imply that
many organs inside the body were destroyed by the strong radiation.
A few workers were accidentally
exposed to a strong radiation due to an accidental critical condition in JCO, a
company dealing with the nuclear fuels, on September 30th, 1999. The person exposed to the highest dose of 17
Sv (mostly neutrons) was hospitalized immediately but died 83 days later
despite being given the utmost care, including replacement of the bone marrow. A doctor who took care of him said: “…the
double strands of DNA were all broken….he died of multi-organ failure….”
[2]. This implies that many biomolecules
including DNA were broken and many organs were damaged by the radiation.
Dr. S. Hida gives another
insight regarding radiation exposure [1].
He reported:
“A patient claimed: ‘I am not sick from the
“pika“ (the A-bomb explosion)’ ‘What makes you say that?’ ‘Well, I did not come
to Hiroshima until two days after the bombing.
You see one of my children did not return home…It wasn’t until after
walking around the ruins for two days, I began to feel ill’…Soon after, he
began to display a number of odd symptoms and passed away.” It was very likely due to inhaling the floating
radioactive debris (minute particles=fallout), which irradiated the body from
inside. This is termed “INTERNAL” exposure. This aspect of exposure is more serious than
the external exposure at the lower dose level, but has been officially ignored.
3. Defense mechanisms against radiation?
Another question would be: Can
living organisms have defense mechanisms against the destructive effects of
radiation? It is impossible. Chemical means can provide energy of at most
100 eV (usually much lower) available to defend the radiation effects, which
has million times as larger energy. This
is the basis for the tenet that radiation is incompatible with life on the
It needs to be mentioned that some
damages done by radiation can be repaired somewhat by some mechanisms present
in living organisms. This is particularly
true with DNA, the basis of life. There
are several mechanisms to repair the damages on DNA. They have been evolved for repairing damages
done by non-radiation effects, as DNA is constantly subject to disturbing
effects, chemical and biological. The
mechanisms evolved so far can repair some damages done by radiation if they are
of the same nature as non-radiological ones.
Radiological damages are quite random, and some of them are beyond the
existing capacity to repair. No direct repairing
mechanism is known for other biomolecules.
However, some existing chemicals
and general physiology such as immunity, can reduce or alleviate the damaging
effects by radiation or the damaged situation.
The free radicals formed by radiation, particularly on water molecule
and oxygen molecule, can be deactivated by some chemical agents, such as
glutathione, flavonoids and ascorbic acid.
For example, glutathione (abbreviated as G-S-H) can react with hydroxyl
radical .OH radical: 2G-S-H +
2.OH à G-S-S-G + 2H2O. Therefore, these molecules can somewhat
reduce the indirect radiation effects. Most
of the SOR’s except hydroxyl radical occur under normal conditions without radiation,
and hence some living organisms including humans have evolved mechanisms to
reduce their effects. Enzymes are known
for hydrogen peroxide (catalase), superoxide (superoxide dismutase), and so on.
Anyway, no defense has evolved
against the radiation effects, and not sufficient mechanisms have been devised
for repairing the damages caused by radiation.
Radiation affects any chemical compounds, but its effects are most
prominent on living organisms, particularly animals, as they are based on fairly
fragile systems.
4. Is there a safe dose?
Could a sufficiently low exposure be safe?
Or is there any threshold of exposure level below which no health ill effects
are expected? The data obtained so far
rejected the presence of threshold, and have demonstrated a linear relationship
without threshold (termed “LNT” relationship) in the relationship between health
risk and the exposure dose at low levels.
X-ray is equivalent to g-ray, though weaker, and is used for diagnostic purposes and other purposes
in medicine. The exposure is entirely
external, and the dose can be determined accurately. Several studies have demonstrated the LNT relationship
regarding the cancer risk and the X-ray exposure dose [3,4]. These data deal with low level of exposure
below 100 mSv. Even the data on the
atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki indicated LNT relationship for
all kinds of cancer and many non-cancerous diseases [5]. 51.3% of all the children in Ukraine who got
thyroid cancers due to the Chernobyl accident received less than 100 mSv, and
16% even less than 10 mSv [6]. However,
the Japanese government still insists that there is no danger for cancer at exposure
dose lower than 100 mSv.
Another issue is the effect of
internal exposure as against external dose.
The official data regarding Hiroshima and Nagasaki [5] are based on the
external exposure dose due to the bomb explosion. They did not take account of possible
“internal” exposure. The exposure dose
caused by external irradiation is defined per the body mass (Kg), as
irradiation is supposed to spread throughout the body; i.e., Gy (or Sv)= energy
absorbed by 1 kg of the body. When a
radioactive material enters a body and irradiates the immediate vicinity of the
location the radionuclides settled in, it irradiates, let’s suppose, only an
area that weighs 2 g, because a or b particles do not travel long distances. Nominally D (Gy) value =D joule/kg. In reality it irradiates the area of 2 g, and
hence the actual dose should be D joule/2g = D joule/0.002 kg=500D
joule/kg. The actual dose values would
depend on many factors, and not always 500 times of the nominal value. Anyway, the internal dose would be much
higher than the nominal dose value implies.
Often, an official argument is
based on the nominal external dose rate, even if the actual radiation is
“internal”. Therefore, it devalues the
magnitude of effects. This is
particularly true in the case of accidents at the nuclear facilities, where the
external exposure dose is typically relatively low, and the serious effect is
mostly due to the internal exposure. In
this case, internal exposure dose cannot be estimated from the external dose
value such as spatial dose, as radioactive material may enter through various
routes, and such a way to enter a body has little to do with the spatial dose. The chance of inhalation of minute particles
floating may be somewhat related to the spatial dose rate, though.
5. Humankind has not found safe ways
to dispose and store the radioactive material
The incompatibility of radiation with life implies that the radioactive material
has to be disposed and stored safely, in such a way that they would not affect
all the living organisms on the earth. We
have not yet found very effective ways to do this. The radioactivity lasts a long time. Pu-239, for example, lasts 480,000 years,
which is twenty times of the half-life (24,000 years). By that time the radioactivity will diminish
to about a million times smaller than the original. Even the most widely distributed cesium
(Cs-137) takes about 600 years (20 times of its half-life 30 years) to become
almost nil. Meanwhile they keep emitting
radiation, heating and damaging their surroundings.
The Chernobyl’s damaged nuclear
reactor has been covered by a large sarcophagus to reduce the escape of
radiation for the last thirty years. It
has deteriorated significantly because of radiation from the fuel debris and the
weather, so that another huge cover has recently been constructed and placed on
top of the sarcophagus. It is said that
this cover may last a hundred years, and then it will have to be replaced or
covered further. This illustrates how
difficult it is to store radioactive material.
This is a single example. There
are hundreds of sites where radioactive waste is now stored and some
difficulties are experienced. It is
imperative for us to find safe ways to store the radioactive waste. There may not be an absolutely safe solution
on the earth. Yet, the humankind is busily
increasing the radioactive wastes in huge quantities. This is insane.
III. Nuclear Power Plants need not and should not be on Earth
1. Nuclear power reactors are NOT
Approximately 450 nuclear power reactors are presently on this earth. In the nuclear power production of electricity,
only one third of the heat produced in a reactor is converted into electricity,
and the remaining two thirds of the heat is released into the surrounding
environment. A typical 1giga watt
reactor will release 4.7 x 1016 joule of heat into the environment
per year. This much heat will bring 100
million tons of water at zero degree to boiling. This is with a single nuclear reactor. The nuclear power reactors are excellent
environmental heaters. Hundreds of such
reactors are operating on this earth. But
this fact is ignored in the argument that the nuclear power is environmentally clean. This is not the only reason for the nuclear
reactors being unclean.
In addition, this typical
reactor of 1 giga (thousand mega) watt of capacity (electricity) produces in a
year radioactive material equivalent to about 1000 Hiroshima atomic bombs. In 2015, the total amount of electricity
produced by nuclear reactors was 2,441 BkWh (billion kilo watt hours: data [7]),
which is 8.79 x 1018 joule.
It was produced by about 280 nuclear reactors of 1 giga watt capacity. So they produced radioactive material approximately
equivalent to 280,000 Hiroshima bombs.
In addition, they released 1.3 x 1019 joule of heat into the
environment. These are the values for just
one year. Nuclear power reactors have
been operating for the last forty years, though not always this many.
Anyway, an enormous amount of
radioactive material has been made on the earth. How much of it has been released into the
environment is not easy to estimate.
They have been released into the environment through the tests of the
nuclear weapons, use of depleted uranium bombs, the routine release of some
radioactive material from the nuclear facilities under normal conditions and
others, in addition to the accidents at nuclear facilities. The effects of the released radioactive
material have been amply observed and reported, and yet are not shared with the
majority of humankind. We mention here
only a few cases, and refer them to a few major sources. The nuclear weapon explosion tests in the
atmosphere affected the people in the eastern side, Utah, of the test site in
Nevada (1951-1960, ref [8]). Chernobyl nuclear
reactor accident in the present Ukraine (1986) was one of the worst nuclear
facility accidents, and people are still suffering [9]. Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster (2011)
caused by the huge earthquake along with tsunami is far from settled, and
health effects are only now becoming manifest [10]. These incidents represent
the notion that the nuclear power is “not clean” at all, rather it is the
The world on the whole depends
on the nuclear power for about 11% for the electricity production in 2015 [7]. A number of countries still rely
significantly on the nuclear power. Some
numbers are: 76% in France, 56% in Ukraine, 56% in Slovakia, 53% in Hungary,
38% in Slovenia, 38% in Belgium, 35% in Armenia, 35% in Sweden, 34% in Finland,
34% in Switzerland, 33% in Czech, 32% in S. Korea, and 31% in Bulgaria [7]. Fortunately no serious accidents at nuclear
facilities have been experienced so far in these countries except for Ukraine
(Chernobyl accident), though minor accidents are known to have taken place in
many of these countries as well as others not listed here. Nuclear facilities are prone to accidents
The level of dependency on the
nuclear power seems to be reflected in the cancer incident rate in those nations. The cancer rates of some countries listed
above are plotted against the nuclear power dependency; it is shown in the
figure below [11]. Except for France,
there seems to be a correlation between them.
This does not necessarily imply that radiation from the nuclear
facilities alone is somehow related to the cancer. The more direct data relating the nuclear
facilities and the cancer rate are illustrated by a study termed KiKK [12]. It investigated all German nuclear reactors
and found that children living within 5 km of a nuclear reactor had higher risk
of cancer (particularly, leukemia), more than twice that of those living
farther away. A similar study has been
conducted [13] with regard to leukemia among children living near nuclear
facilities in other countries: UK, Canada, Japan and USA, and has found the
trend to be similar to that of KiKK.
2. The nuclear power production is NOT
Cleaning and disposing of the
damaged nuclear facilities requires an enormous amount of money, as well as
human sacrifice (workers exposed to the radiation). Compensating the victims who lost lives and
healthy ways of life and who suffer from other difficulties also takes a lot of
money. Decommissioning an old nuclear
reactor, even if not damaged, takes decades, and yet the radioactive waste
cannot be disposed safely as yet, because humankind has not found a good way to
do that. But, obviously, we have to find
a way before too long. All these
processes require money as well as energy.
All told, the amount of money for disposing of the nuclear facilities
and bringing the sites back to being clean land, and providing adequate compensation
for the victims will be astronomical. It
could be beyond the ability of corporations, and hence consume a lot of money
earned by the citizens. Such a situation
could destroy the financial basis of a nation.
3. Nuclear power is NOT NECESSARY
After the Fukushima disaster due to the great earthquake and tsunami in
2011, all of the fifty nuclear power plants in Japan were shut down. After a while, the Japanese government
restarted a single nuclear reactor in 2012-13.
After this reactor was shut down in order to inspect the facility, no
nuclear power plant operated for almost two years until the end of August of
2015 (2013-2015). While all these things
were happening, no electricity shortage was experienced in Japan, even
though Japan had relied on nuclear power for about 30% of its electricity
before the Fukushima disaster. This fact
definitely implies that Japan does not need nuclear power. Unfortunately, the current government is
eager to restart the nuclear power plants, and indeed has done so with three nuclear
power reactors as of Jan. 1st, 2017, despite the strong opposition from the
Japanese people.
As mentioned earlier, a number
of countries in Europe still depend heavily on the nuclear energy. Some of them have decided in the face of the
Fukushima accident to abolish the nuclear power; Germany, Belgium, Italy and
Switzerland. Recently the Taiwan
government announced that they would abolish their nuclear power plants by
2025. Other countries listed earlier
have not made a move toward abolition, but, hopefully, they will soon realize
the danger of the nuclear facilities, and start decommissioning them.
We are fortunate to have inexhaustible
energy sources available on this earth.
The total amount of energy humankind used in 2005 is estimated to be 4.9
x 1020 joule. The energy influx from the Sun on the
entire surface of the earth is estimated to be 8.9 x 1016 joule/sec,
and hence it will be 2.8 x 1024 joule per year. The solar energy alone could amply provide
all the energy humankind needs. Total wind
power (driven ultimately by solar energy) available on the entire earth is
estimated to be 2.3 x 1021 joule per year, and so, theoretically
wind power alone may be sufficient. Humankind
needs to technically overcome the practical problems associated with these
freely available energy sources, and should resort to these energies as far as
feasible, and as soon as possible. Other
inexhaustible energy sources including “geothermal” and “tidal” should also be
employed as much as feasible. In other
words, we could be energy-sufficient, without resorting to non-renewable carbon
fossil fuels or nuclear power.
IV Conclusion
No nuclear power plant should be allowed on the earth, because:
(a) the radioactive
material produced by the nuclear power reactors emit radiation which destroy
living organisms;
(b) there is no
definitive safe way to store long-lasting nuclear wastes, so that no more
radioactive material should be produced;
(c) nuclear power
reactors are contributing significantly to warming of the environment;
(d) nuclear power
plants are not economical, but rather could bring disasters to the operating
companies and even the nation’s finances.
[1] See for example:
[3] Eisenberg MJ, Afilalo J, Lawler PR,
Abrahamowicz M, Richard H, Pilote L., “Cancer risk related to low-dose ionizing
radiation from cardiac imaging in patients after acute myocardial infarction”, Can. Med. Assoc. J., 183 (2011), 430-436
[4] Mathews, J. D., Forsythe, A. V.,
Brady, Z., Butler, M. W., Goergen, S. K., Bymes, G. B., Giles, G. G., Wallace,
A. B., Anderson, P. R, Guiver, T. A., McGale, P., Cain, T. M., Dowoty, J. G.,
Bickerstaffe, A. C., Darby, S. C.,
“Cancer Risk in 680000 people exposed to computed tomography scans in
childhood or adolescence: data linkage study of 11 million Australians”, Brit. Med. J., 2013.05.22
[5] Ozasa, K., Shimizu, Y., Suyama, A., Kasagi, F., Soda, M.,
Grant, E. J., Sakata, R., Sugiyama, H., Kodama, K., “Studies of the mortality
of atomic bomb survivors, Report 14, 1950-2003: An overview of cancer and
noncancer Diseases” (LSS-14), Rad. Res.,
177 (2012), 229-243
[6] Tronko, M., Bogdanova, T.,
Komissarenko, I. V., Epstein, O. V., Kovalenko, A., Lichtarev, I. A., Kairo,
I., Peters, S. B., LiVolsi, V. A., “Thyroid carcinoma in children and
adolescents in Ukraine after the Chernobyl nuclear accident”, Cancer, 86 (1999) 149-156
[9] Yablokov, A. V., Nesterenko, V.
B., Nesterenko, A. V., “Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People
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[11] The data of nuclear dependence are from ref [7], and the cancer death
rates (2014) are from
[12] Nussbaum, R. H., “Childhood leukemia and cancers near German nuclear
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incidence and mortality rates of childhood leukemia in proximity to nuclear
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Ochiai: retired chemistry professor; has become seriously concerned with the
radiation effects since the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in 2011 and
has published four books on the theme of “Radiation is Incompatible with Life”,
including “Hiroshima to Fukushima: Biohazards of Radiation” (Springer Verlag
(Heidelberg), 2013).
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