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  Basic problems of humanity at hand (47)


More Serious Vaccine-related  Problems-2

First, I would like to mention a couple of things that have been happening around me. I have seen an increase in vaccine- induced symptoms in my immediate family (son and grandson). Fortunately, my grandson recovered his health within a week or so, and my son's symptoms were mild. One of my friends had a heart condition after taking the vaccine and was diagnosed with angina pectoris. Fortunately, he recovered after a few weeks.  Another friend had shingles a few days after her third dose of vaccine.  I myself had what I thought were blood clots twice after taking the vaccine. Fortunately, no one has died in the vicinity yet. I am concerned that there seems to be little awareness of the problem, although many people have probably seen or heard of such phenomena. Perhaps, the opinions of the government and information agencies, which tout the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, still dominate people's consciousness. It is tantamount to brainwashing.


(1)    Further phenomena of adverse effects of vaccines -1

We have reported several times on the various adverse effects of vaccines [1]. Here we present some of the more recent data.

First, a report [2] of the results of analysis of the latest data (2022.01.01~2022.05.31) of the UK government. Among  children  aged  10-14 years, the number of deaths from coronas per 100,000 persons (per year) who did not take the vaccine was 0.31 and  44.5  for  those  who took  the  vaccine  (1-3 times); the number of deaths from causes other than coronas was 6.07 for those who did not take the vaccine and 351 for those who did. The rate of death from coronas as a result of vaccine intake was 143.5  times  that  of  non-vaccine recipients, and 57.8 times that of non-Corona deaths. Vaccines have increased mortality rates (both from coronas and other causes) by dozens of times. Far from being effective and safe, it is toxic/dangerous.

     Mortality rates are also rising in European countries, with a rise of more than    

                         15% in May 2022 compared to May 2016-19, including Iceland, Portugal and                     Greece, 10-15% in Norway, Finland and Ireland. 5-10% is said to be less than 5% in   the central western European side (France, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland, etc.),  Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Hungary, etc. [3]

In Canada, where the author lives, the government is pushing vaccine intake particularly hard. It recently mandated thatmedical personnel take a fourth dose. Then something amazing happened. In one Ontario hospital, three young doctors died suddenly (on July 17, 18 and 20) after the fourth dose had begun [4].

Subsequent investigations have shown that in the past nine months, 14 young doctors have died from various causes after three or four doses of the vaccine. They have not seen or heard of anything like this in the past 30 years [5].

But many other countries also continue to relentlessly enforce vaccine intake. And, astonishingly, many countries are pushing for vaccination of even children (under 10 years of age). This is despite the fact that it has been known from the beginning that children are less susceptible to Covid-19. This has led to a significant increase in childhood hepatitis in many countries [6] and other inflammations in various parts of the body [7].

Japan is now supposed to be experiencing the seventh wave of infection, the highest in the world. Many of these infected people must have received sufficient        vaccine intake (judging from the vaccine intake rate of the Japanese, but no such data have been published), and the vaccine is probably increasing the number of infected people. As we have discussed before, the vaccine weakens the human immune system [8], so that the virus and other sources of disease cannot be          eradicated, and people become infected. The fact that the nth wave and other repeated infections have occurred even after ingesting the vaccine suggests that the mutation of the virus may have caused the existing vaccine to become ineffective, but recent research [9] has shown that this is not the case and that the vaccine weakens the immune system. However, recent research [9]  has shown that this is not the case, and that the  cause  is  still  that  vaccines weaken the immune system. But recent studies [9] have shown that this is not the case, and that vaccines weaken the immune system.  Not  only  is  it wasteful, but it encourages governments and other public institutions to do harm to people. Thus, the pharmaceutical companies are making a fortune  at  the expense of the people.

A typical example of such support for pharmaceutical companies was the approval and encouragement of the use of Remdesivir, a drug recently developed by a company called Gilead. This involved A. Fauci, the head of NIAID, who was leading the way on the vaccine front. Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and interferon-2, which were already known to be inexpensive and effective, were banned by the WHO, CDC, and others, but  newly  developed  drugs  (not necessarily effective (see [10])) were used. (which is not said to be effective [10], while the WHO, CDC, etc. have banned their use. What a troubling phenomenon (or perhaps it is inappropriate to call it "political corruption")!



(2)    Further phenomena of adverse effects of vaccines - 2: Rapid    decline in fertility

One phenomenon that has become more noticeable recently is that in a number of countries fertility rates began to decline sharply in 2022. First of all, data from Germany [11] show that the birth rate from January to March 2022 fell by 18% compared to the same months in the previous seven years. The probability of this happening as usual and without special causes is roughly 2 x 10-9 . In other words, it cannot happen under normal circumstances. This means that something happened to many women between March and June 2021 that either interfered with conception or interfered with the growth of the fetus in the body.

In Hungary, where vaccine uptake is high, the decline in fertility was severe, varying from 22.2% to 1%, with an average decline of about 13% across the 18 provinces (and a slight increase in two provinces) [12].  In  Sweden,  the decline in births in 2022 (relative to the same month in 2021) was  1.7%  in January, 4.95% in February, 8.7% in March, and 10.4% in April [13]. In California, the United States, the number of births in June 2022 was 6.4 percent lower than in the same month the previous year [14]. Taiwan had 9442 births in May 2022, 23 percent fewer than in May of the previous year [15].

Effects on men have also been observed. Studies have shown that sperm counts in semen are reduced by as much as 20% between 75 and 125 days after vaccine intake, but recover after 145 days [16].

(3)    Adverse effects of vaccines: the pursuit of scientific  evidence


Whether or not the various vaccine-related phenomena that have appeared to be caused by vaccines are really caused by vaccines.  Officials  are mainly  of  the opinion that it cannot be confirmed that vaccines are the cause, and Japan is now attempting to cover up the vaccine link in a very egregious way, for example by not including records of vaccine intake in reports of deaths. In addition, in order to make the cause of sudden deaths of adults unclear, some have begun to falsely record them as SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) or something similar [17].

     In the midst of all this, some scientists are making an effort to scientifically demonstarate that these vaccines do not work. The work by Dr. Jessica Rose [18] points very well the critical issues.

First of all, at the occation of validation of the vaccine for Moderna, among 15184 vaccine recipients vs. 15162 placebo recipients, 83 (0.56%) cases of SAE (Severe Adverse Effect) in the former and 31 (0.20%) in the latter. It is clear from this ratio (roughly 3 times) that there are adverse effects due to vaccine side effects. Next, Figure 1, which is a graph of the change over time in the number of vaccine ingestions and the change over time in the number of serious adverse effects in the U.S., is based on the CDC's VAERS data. This is a beautiful linear relationship. Clearly, this means that vaccine ingestion causes these adverse effects. She also points out the problems with m-RNA, S-proteins, and the lipid nanoparticles that wrap around m-RNA from the ppoint of view of molecular chemistry of the immune system. Some of these effects have already been discussed in this site [1, 19].

      Furthermore, on top of that, It is based on decisions              made by people who have never even seen a patient, such as the chief A. Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, and Bill Gates (notes 20 and 21). Their decisions, as we have discussed in various ways, are not only not well-founded, but are  harmful measures. They took the WHO pandemic for granted and then forced people to take the policies (such as lockdowns) and vaccines that it says it recommends.


(4)    Ignoring/eliminating and brainwashing legitimate science

   and  scientists (including doctors)


For the first time in U.S. history (and not just in the U.S.), we have an anomaly in this pandemic where decisions about disease treatment and cure are made by presidents, governments, governors, mayors, hospital administrators, and other bureaucrats, rather than by doctors and scientists with scientific knowledge and experience in such matters.

Furthermore, on top of that, It is based on decisions made by people who have never even seen a patient, such as the chief A. Fauci, the CDC, the WHO, and Bill Gates [20, 21]. Their decisions, as we have discussed in various ways, are not only not well-founded, but are  harmful measures. They took the WHO pandemic for granted and then forced people to take the policies (such as lockdowns) and vaccines as required. Behind this lies the profit-making business practices of big pharma and others.

     Furthermore, doctors and scientists who publish opinions or provide medical care that contradict official declarations (such as the efficacy/safety of vaccines) or official policies are suppressed from speaking out in the official press or on social networking services, and pressure is being exerted on them, such as the withdrawal of their medical license. What is even more problematic is that journals, which are legitimate research publishing organizations, have begun to erase articles that contradict official publications without permission [20, 22]. These problems are numerous, but a few are listed below.

Dr. Meryl Nass of Maine, U.S.A., had her license taken away from her by a state medical organization and was ordered to undergo  a  neurological examination by a psychiatrist because of the corner she took in arguing for the efficacy of Ivermectin and its use in treatment. James Thorp, had their medical licenses suspended due to official measures and opposition to vaccines [23]. The Canadian government (and provincial governments) are particularly strict in these measures, and many doctors and university professors) have had their salaries reduced or their positions revoked. Even university students have been barred from taking university courses or ordered off campus for non-vaccine ingestion or other reasons [24].


(5) Problems in the press

It is a fact that the press is also rife with pressure and monetary gifts from pharmaceutical companies/government [25]. Examples of news organizations that have received money include ABC, CBS,  NBC,  Fox  News, CNN, Newsmax, the Washington Post, and the Los Angels Times [24]. A reporter E. Robinson said: “In 2021, I was  told by higher-ups not to report on anything negative about vaccines" [25]. This report [25] also cites specific monetary amounts to various local news organizations (newspapers, TV), etc.




[2] increased-mortality/[3] causing-depopulation/

[4] small-hospital-just-days-after-4th-covid-vax-mandate/5788097

[5] after-getting-shot-normally-would-0-over-30- years/5789525


[ 7] suffer-multisystem-inflammatory-syndrome.html




[11] dramatically-in-2022/


[13] precipitiously




[17] syndrome_4545014.html?utm_source=HT_article_free&utm_ campaign=health- 2022-06-22- ca&utm_medium=email&est=dcBuFai4BN9Fes9Dq61n7Z5EIULbliGLvPAwYvnGg BiQsXO24HbTL9sJH2I%3D



[20] doctors-and-experts/;

[21] is-the-truth/

[22] fraudulent-until-proven-otherwise.html; bmj/2021/07/05/time-to-assume-that-health-research-is-fraudulent-until-proved- otherwise/

[23] questioning-covid-vaccines.html

[24] covid/5785447

[25] to-push-covid-19-vaccines/




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